CA: 0x8129B94753f22EC4E62e2c4D099FfE6773969ebC

Terms of Use and Legal Conditions for Vex Aeterna

Welcome to Vex Aeterna, a decentralized finance protocol built on the Layer 2 blockchain "Base". By using Vex Aeterna, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before using our protocol.

1. Use of the Protocol:
1.1 By accessing or using Vex Aeterna, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. You also agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction regarding the use of decentralized financial services.
1.2 You are solely responsible for any activity carried out on your Vex Aeterna account, including all transactions made and all financial decisions taken. You agree to take all necessary precautions to secure your account and credentials.

2. Financial Risks:
2.1 You understand and agree that the use of Vex Aeterna involves significant financial risks, including but not limited to, the volatility of digital asset prices, liquidity risks, and smart contract security risks. You agree not to invest more than you can afford to lose.
2.2 You acknowledge that past performance of Vex Aeterna does not guarantee future results. You agree that market fluctuations and other factors may impact the value of assets held in your Vex Aeterna account.

3. Liability:
3.1 You use Vex Aeterna at your own risk. Neither Vex Aeterna nor its development team will be liable for any financial losses, damages, or harm resulting from your use of the protocol.
3.2 You agree to release Vex Aeterna, its development team, and any person or entity associated with the project from any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or other damages resulting from your use of Vex Aeterna.

4. Modifications and Updates:
4.1 Vex Aeterna reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue the protocol at any time, without prior notice. You agree that such modifications may affect your use of Vex Aeterna and that you will have no recourse against the development team for such modifications.